What is NMN?

About the effects of NMN


About the effects of NMN

【Suppression of weight gain】

Mice were divided into two groups: one was administered NMN, while the other group was not. After 1 year, it was observed that the NMN

group ate more even as they grew older.

On the other hand, their energy metabolism was as high as that of young mice. The results show that the weight gain associated with aging is small because the fatty acids are burned to obtain energy. Administration of NMN regulates sugar consumption and increases lipid metabolism, resulting in better energy efficiency and, as a result, weight gain can be suppressed.

【Suppression of bone density decrease】

Long-term administration of NMN to mice revealed a slight increase in bone mineral density.

【Improvement of insulin sensitivity】

Experiments with mice have shown the effect of increasing systemic insulin sensitivity.
Insulin sensitivity indicates how easy it is for insulin to act, so the higher this is, the easier it is for insulin to work.
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and has the function of regulating blood sugar levels.
Diabetes happens because insulin is not working properly and cells cannot absorb sugar adequately, so sugar overconcentrates in the blood.

Professor Imai’s group announced in the scientific journal “Science” that NMN increases muscle insulin sensitivity, as demonstrated in a clinical trial with postmenopausal prediabetic women.

In mice, NMN was found to be more effective in females, so postmenopausal prediabetic women were divided into two groups. Only one group took NMN and it was revealed that their skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity rose by 25% on average.

【Suppression of decline of cognitive functions】

A research group different from Professor Imai’s has also announced that administration of NMN to mice suppressed cell death in the hippocampus of the brain, which is closely related to Alzheimer’s disease.

【Anti-aging action】

In the above-mentioned mouse experiment carried out by the group led by Professor Imai, a wide range of anti-aging effects were observed, such as improvement of mouse activity and increase of immune cells.
The difference between taking NMN and not taking NMN became apparent in the age range equivalent to 40-50 years old in humans.
Physical activity increased also in elderly mice, with an age equivalent to 70 years old in humans.

【Highly concentrated NMN is efficiently delivered to the body】

Oxygen and nutrients are carried to the cells throughout our bodies by blood circulation. Since NMN is administered directly into a blood vessel in IV therapy, this is recommended for those who want to feel the effects quickly, as NMN can reach every cell of the body in no time.

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